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Old 08-13-2014, 05:18 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Canada
Posts: 39
Default Cost of taking your hamster to a vet


I just wanted to let people whose hamsters get sick what my experience has been with taking them to a vet. Anyways

A check up and medication for two weeks costs me $65 Cdn
A check up and nail trimming costs me $35 Cdn

I have taken my hamsters to the vet for infections where the intestines were coming out, or an infection where my hamster was bleeding everywhere in the cage. The vet said it was a large amount of blood.

My hamsters are Dwarf Hamsters (Pure bread Cambell Hamsters; Blue Mottled, Argente Platinum and Opal. My blue mottled recently died.)

As for size my Argente Platinum - Goldie is 56g
As for size of my Opal - Explorer she was 55g but now shes probably 75g
As for size of my Blue Mottled - Patches she was 40g (she was tiny)

My two hamsters which were 3, live in 4 houses and ill buy more later when I like more. They used to fight but they also sleep together when cold and take care of each other when one is sick or injured.

Mod note : Please can you stick to the protocol in future Glenn

Last edited by souffle; 08-13-2014 at 11:41 PM.
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