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Old 02-20-2009, 02:40 AM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lincolnshire UK
Posts: 329
Default Re: Possible Syrian pregnancy.

Oooh, I hope she isn't for your sake. I guess she might be especially if you can see her nipples have enlarged... Can you speak to the pet shop again? Maybe ask them about the litter? What age do they sex and split them? Whether there is a possibilty Remy was from a different litter or the mother?

Do you have any other sort of cage available if she is pregnant? A Fantasy with pups doesn't sound good. If you really think there is a strong possibility of pregnancy I would try and get her on one level cause once she has the pups its going to cause problems with the levels, what with a hole to fall down and lack of water supply. When Mavis had her surprise pups she was in a Rotastak set-up, fortunately she made her nest in the larger dining room and not in an attic and I could move the whole unit down so they were on one level. Maybe you could remove the tube leading to the attic and lift her nest down, assuming there are no pups already. Also you will need to find a way to block off the lower bars at least to prevent escapees but they won't need that for the first few days. Its good that she is getting all the extra foods to give any babies the best chance.

How is she behaving, that should give you a clue as to whether there are pups already, is she always dating back to the nest? Sometimes you can hear little noises from them. Or see a little movement. I would do some nest watching and see if you can spot any pink.

Only time will tell I guess whether she is/has been or not!! But you will definitely know for sure in the next 12 days. At least you are prepared and know what is best to do if it should happen. When we had Mavis she was still a small girl, I suppose she was podgier. In fact she is a lot bigger now than when she was pregnant as she wasn't fully grown when she was brought home at 10 weeks, so also consider they may just have the age wrong.
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