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Old 02-19-2009, 03:28 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Derbyshire
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Default Possible Syrian pregnancy.

I brought my new hamster “Remy” on Monday. She was cooped up in a little wooden cage with a litter half her size. The shop owner told me they where all one litter of females and all 10 weeks.

I couldn’t help myself. I had to buy her. It wasn’t fair to leave a hamster that big in a cage that small. She is bigger than any fully grown Syrian I’ve ever had! I was suspicious that she might be pregnant. I weighed her on Tuesday and she was about 157g. I weighed her again today and it was around 162g. It’s not exact as she’s constantly moving.

Her nipples seemed to look a bit pink yesterday and she had a sticky wet patch on her side. She packed her imac loft full of bedding. I didn’t want to peek in case there where babies in there.

I’ve given her some cooked chicken, baby food and cat biscuits just in case she is/ going to be a mummy ham. I’ve had accident dwarf litters before but never Syrian. Anyone think this sounds like a pregnancy or am I being silly?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry for the essay!
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