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Old 07-26-2014, 04:45 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 3
Unhappy hamster peeing in multiple places - help

Hello, I just got a new female Syrian hamster ( Chestnut ) about a week ago and her bathroom habits have changed. I observed her over several days at the pet store and she always pee'd in the same corner of the cage. They had her in an aquarium with only a food bowl , water bottle and aspen wood chips. She is 5 months old. I have here in a large cage ( 4" base with wire top ). In her new cage she has an igloo to sleep in, an exercise wheel, water bottle, food bowl, litter box and 4 different chew toys. The problem is is that she is peeing in her house on her food & peeing in her litter box & under the water bottle. I can,t understand why she doesn't just pee in the litter box. How can I get her to go back to peeing in one corner like she did at the pet store???? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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