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Old 07-23-2014, 01:06 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Leicester UK
Posts: 1,827
Default Re: Winter White breeders in Leicester ?

Back in 1996, I had a cockatiel which was given to me without a cage. I had to rush to the pet shop and buy a cage suitable. I had him for 3 months and when my wife came home from hospital with our last son, he started to get conjunctivius symptoms. It turned out he was allergic to the cockatiels feather 'dust' . I had to give the bird and everything away as soon as we found out. It was a few years later when I started to breed zebra finches. The oddest pet I had, which my wife nor kids ever heard of, was an Axolotl. It was cute but very boring. I sold it to an axolotl fan and even delivered it 45 miles away for free. I got photos of all her axy's and I knew my one was being looked after. My mate has a pond and offered me some newts if I dug a pond in my back garden. The wife said no, she does not and has neveer liked to have a pond. So I just encourage wild birds into my garden and fill the feeders every two dayd as there are loads of sparrows, goldfinches, bluetits, greattits, coaltits and longtail tits as well as a family of robins and blackbirds that come to feed every day.
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