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Old 02-08-2009, 07:39 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 31
Default Re: Bizarre behaviour, help?

Based on your description, my dwarf hamster does the exact same thing. She has done this for over two and a half years and she's perfectly healthy (although quite old and frail now). She'll come over to the side of her cage, stand on her hind legs, fall backwards, and twist and spin around until she flips herself back onto her feet. Before her age caught up with her, she would do this everytime she saw me near her cage. I've figured out that when she stands on her hind legs by the side of her cage, she really just wants my attention and some cuddle time (Whenever I open the cage door while she's doing this, she'll climb right into my hand). However, she hasn't quite figured out how to lower herself back down onto her feet, which is why she falls backwards (kind of like a baby learning to walk) and then has to twist and spin to get her footing back. She does look like she is scratching her back when she does this.... but it seems as though that is just the hamster way (or at least her way) of regaining footing. I had my other dwarf out today and I had to turn him over to check something on his belly, and he did the exact same twisting motion in my hand, trying to turn himself right-side up. So, if this sounds like what Tyra is doing, my guess would be that it's just one of those wacky things hamsters do. But, that's just based on my own hamster observations. Still, I hope this helps and I hope Tyra is doing ok!
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