Thread: Hello!
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Old 07-11-2014, 04:57 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 27
Default Re: Hello!

Originally Posted by kyrilliondaemon View Post
A brief search threw up a few threads I've linked at the end of this post so they may be a good starting point, the care for pairs of any ham species is pretty much the same so they should all help
The basics are fairly simple - a cage of approx 70cm by 40cm floorspare (or slightly more/less depending), two wheels, no shelves, scatter feed the food instead of using a bowl and make sure everything has two entrances and exits Doing all of that increases the chance of the pair staying together happily.

I think at least one of the threads discourages keeping pairs, I'd like to say now that I love keeping pairs/groups and strongly believe in giving russians and robos the chance to live socially if they're able to have it. Some of our hybrids (the most common "russian" dwarf hamsters) have been amazing in pairs and its been fantastic having them in pairs. Our current pair are great together and quite a few past pairs have been too

First time Robo owner
2male dwarfs in one cage?
Housing for a pair of Campbells?
thank you so much! i'm pretty sure my two girls are campbells (or at least they definitely look like them.) and i think they may be from the same litter. i'm not exactly sure but i've been watching them and they tend to get along very well, no fighting over food, their wheel, or the water bottle. i hope soon to either make them a large bin cage or to get a much larger one so that they have a lot more space to run around since currently their cage is 39.3cm x 24.1cm x 38.7 which i'm sure is much too small i have a backup 10 gal aquarium in case they need to be separated and next month ill hopefully be turning a spare room into a pet room where they will have a TON of space to run and play and be out of the cage (in a safe playpen, they won't be allowed to run rampant, i'm too afraid to lose one.) and in the petsmart we bought them from they cuddled in the cage and were perfectly sweet on the ride home. they'll also have two of everything and i'm hoping to have a separate burrowing area since cake in particular spends a lot of her time digging, while fiona prefers her nest in their ferrett hammock. ill upload pictures of the cage soon but i know its not great. i'm working with what i have
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