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Old 12-31-2008, 08:28 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Sunny Cornwall
Posts: 131
Default Re: Some questions about Robos

I can't help about breeders but can offer some advices regardging cages etc.

I have owned Robos for over 10 months now, started off with 2 and now have 4, my last one was added to the clan about 5 weeks ago. I'm by no means an expert but I can at least tell you what works for my little furry friends.

My 2 original Robos Max and Paddy still live together after 10 months with no problems (rare I know), they live in a Zoo Zone 2 cage with loads of toys, houses and regularly come out in balls or run on our bed, they are both really tame. You have to have a lot of space for the Zoo Zone cage as it's 1 metre in length but it could definately home 2 or more robos quite comfortably, as long as you have enough of everything so they don't fight over them.

The 2 later additions both live in Imac Fantasy cages, in my opinion the cage would be big enough for 2 robos at the most, the only thing that might be a problem is the tubes to the top level, my 2 couldn't manage to get up them, especially the steeper bit to the top level, so my partner and I had to rack our brains to think of something, and we came up with the Super Pet Space Galaxy Kit 2 - It's a helter skelter type thing that clips to the wires of of the side of the cage, I had to buy 3 kits to make 2 suitable helter skelter things for the 2 cages but they are relatively cheap, around £6.50 a kit - type the kit name in Google and it will give a list of shops to buy them in.

As for the time it takes to look after them, well that's upto how much time you want to spend with them, obviously you have to change their water daily which takes next to no time but I have my 4 out every evening if I can, they love running in their balls and it's good to handle them to tame them, they are funny little things and the more time you spend with them the more time you'll want to spend with them.
R.I.P Coco...Tilly...Max...Jet...Paddy...Rolo and Alfie our puppy who died at 11.5 weeks!!
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