Thread: Scared
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Old 12-18-2008, 03:44 AM  
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Default Re: Scared

Sarah I wonder if it might be the food you are giving him. Is it the same as Babyboos food? Sometimes the dyes in the biscuits pass through and stain the urine red. Beetroot dye and strawberry can also cause staining. He is bound to be strange and frightened as he is so new. They often wee in bed for a while and if they wee on a pink biscuit then sit it in it can look scarey. Keep him as stress free at the vets as possible. Baby hammies often also do not eat all the 're-eat' poops as they are too young and busy to notice the signal so you often find some mushy poo around especially on the wheel. Hope all goes well and let us know how he is. Get some Probiotic at the vets if they give you antibiotics to keep his bowel healthy.
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