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Old 05-22-2014, 12:12 PM  
Strong Brew Hamstery
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Default Re: SO UH... this happened...

I think my little one, Corretto, is likely the runt of the litter, she's much smaller than her sister. If so she probably won't make great breeding stock, unless she grows really well and fast. She may catch up. I'm weighing them both Friday and I'll see the discrepancy.

Their hamsters were all in very good conditions. Lots of variety too. It doesn't sound like they get the "rare" colours in often, but they told me flat out that for certain hamsters they have to make sure they're fed the right food and housed properly, so I assume those are all the breeder stock. I mean, I'd set those rules in place if I ever had babies go to a pet store. It's a pretty high end store, I never would have thought to check for hamsters there myself.

They were also twice the price I would normally pay for a hamster from petsmart. They had "regular" hamsters there too, who were 1/3 their price, lol. I mean part of me wants to argue it and say they're the same, but then again I know that the colouration is pretty uncommon, so...

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