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Old 05-21-2014, 11:19 AM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: May 2013
Location: UK - West Yorkshire
Posts: 580
Default Re: Have to have an operation in June

I have had two GA since last September. The first time I was terrified as I had only had a GA before as a child (about 8 years old) and couldn't remember much other than not feeling tired and then counting. Boom I was asleep.
Was similar both of these times, but I didn't count either time. I just took a couple of deep breaths and was out like a light.
First time I only remember waking up in the ward where I stayed until I was discharged. Although I was told by one of the male nurses that I had been flashing my knickers! I am hoping it was to help me come around as I had my legs down at the time but just force my eyes open.
The second time I remember waking up with the tube still in my throat. Before you start to worry, there was no pain and I would have thought I of all people would have been in a blind panic but it just felt a bit off and I couldn't talk. Someone realised I was coming around quickly and took it out. Again no pain, or panic just felt a bit odd. I giggled for some odd reason and next thing I knew I was waking up in the ward again.
So don't worry, all will be fine. Just don't flash anyone!
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