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Old 05-05-2014, 12:10 PM  
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Default Re: Decisons Decisons

This may seem strange coming from me but... I wouldn't do it to be honest. Sofia sounds so nervous that the extra space could make it all even worse, I'd want her relatively happy in the kios before offering her even more space to play in (the kios is 3200 square cm-ish, the barney 4000 square cm-ish so it is a big change really).

It might be that she's no worse in the barney but the kios is big enough for her to not urgently need more space, so bigger might just make her more unhappy. I'd want to get her a barney in your situation but given how scared Sofia seems I'm not so sure it'd be in her best interests. I know the barney shelf could help provide shelter, but you can always add a cheap shelf to the kios to get the same benefit of that bit without giving her even more space to hide from you in.

Neither option is wrong (unless Sofia hates the barney) but I'd definetly be wary of upgrading with a ham as nervous as Sofia is
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