Thread: Bao
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Old 11-17-2008, 03:25 AM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lincolnshire UK
Posts: 329
Default Re: Bao

He is very sweet, I have never come across Chinese hammie's before but he looks lovely!

As for getting up (before dropping her surprise litter- lol) we had Mavis (Syrian) in a lovely routine of a morning play and run about 8am for twenty minutes and another at 4pm, and sometimes later if she was up so I didn't have to share her with the kids- LOL. She was normally up in the mornings anyway but had to wake her in the afternoons. She was fine with it though as long as she had time for a stretch and a wee. Also we have Rotastak so we just used to pop the tube out and wait for her to be ready and climb out herself then scoop her up. We just used to tap on the cage and call her name to wake her.

I'm kind of missing her cuddles actually but am spending lots of time watching!!!
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