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Old 04-28-2014, 11:56 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Hertfordshire, UK
Posts: 38
Default Hello from me and my special man

Hello everyone. I'm Mike. And I'm 31 and I have the proud honour of looking after my first ever pet - Lord Ploppington :

Lord Ploppington is a Syrian from pets at home. We've now had him for just under 3 weeks. He's a very shy chappy and a bit jumpy but has started to get used to us and now takes seeds from us but hasn't come onto our hands yet.

We've had a bit of a scare, yesterday we noticed dark patches of fur developing and I was sure it was me doing something terrible. I nearly cried. Luckily after some tips on here we now know it's hopefully just his scent glands.

I've been reading lots on here and it's a fantastic source of knowledge. I've realised that his cage might be too all (large pets at home hamster cage....thanks for the great advice pets at home....not). We will get one bigger in a couple of weeks. He's got a nice big wheel in there thou so its Ok for now.

Anyway....hello and I look forward to talking to you sell and sharing our journey.

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