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Old 11-13-2008, 05:12 PM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Lincolnshire UK
Posts: 329
Default New hamster just had pups - HELP!!

I'm new to the site, hello fellow hammy lovers! I had many hamsters years ago but haven't for a few years as have young children that take up a lot of time. Anyway 2 weeks ago we decided to get a new family pet hamster. The kids picked her from the pet shop and called her Mavis. Then yesterday we no warning (she really didn't look big) we found 3 pups in the cage when Mavis was out for her exercise (!). She has never gone back in so quick. I haven't touched the nest fortunately (all washed thoroughly out on Saturday) and she has been good with them. Just don't really have a clue, have put in extra bedding and dry food.

Just my luck though that we have a fairly elaborate but fun Rotastak set-up, which we and Mavis love and she decided to nest in the upstairs dining room. I left them till just now and have moved the entire unit down, replacing the scary hole down with a bung and everything is on floor level. Also taken away scary tubes that Mavis loves to zoom up. Will this be okay, I was so worried when the babies get a bit mobile they would come crashing down the hole. Luckily they did have food and water on that level. Please tell me I have done the right thing please, am so stressed about them and just want to do my best.

What food should I offer, haven't even successfully got Mavis used to fresh food as I started too then stopped as it was too much too soon and she was a bit loose. I have cooked some egg and I was going to offer that to her, just a little though. Any tips would be gratefully received. The pet shop were rubbish when I called, they just said to bring in the babies when they were 6 weeks!!! Surely that's too late to start sexing them and removing them..?

HELP!! HELP!!! HELP!!!!!
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