Thread: The Tweeses
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Old 04-01-2014, 05:16 AM  
Colby and the Dwarfs
The Animal Farmer
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Default Re: The Tweeses

Originally Posted by HollyHamster View Post
Chickens have ears? I thought they just had openings on the sides of their heads where the ear canals were.

Anyways. I've seen Silkies up close, and they look so different from your typical chicken. For starters, their feathers more so resemble down than actual chicken feathers, and they have feathers on their feet and lower legs. They also have head plumage that is very wild looking. Also, like you said, they also have blue beaks and feet.

I helped a woman with her chickens once, and she had all sorts of breeds. From a tiny hen and rooster pair which were about a quarter the size of an average chicken, to the kind that was black and white all over, of course the Silkies, and then the huge Leghorns, including a very large Leghorn rooster who, quite frankly, scared me with his bulk and large spurs.
Actually, they do have ear lobes. And in almost every chicken, white earlobes means white eggs, and dark earlobes means dark eggs. But not in silkies!

I have quite a few breeds as well, those tiny chickens are most likely banies(not sure if that's how you spell it, it's pronounced bA-nees). I have a rooster and three hens of those, they're so tame!

I also have a white leghorn rooster, who is HUGE, and if he wanted to, could kill my dogs I'm sure. But he's only "defensive" with my brown leghorn(I think) rooster, Bobcat, who is twice is size! He's also the sweetest chicken ever, and actually runs away from the white one. Silly!

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