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Old 03-04-2014, 05:30 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Essex
Posts: 155
Default Hammys are very settled in at home! More pics of Gimli and Gizmo...

Since I got my little cuties on Saturday I've had difficulty getting hold of pictures as they've been quite shy and have been settling in.

Little Gizmo is handling herself very well with humans and jumps right onto your hand a has a little play with you, despite the incident when I bought her home and she jumped out of my hand, twice, on the floor. As far as we're aware she's a little girl but we may need a double check soon!

Little Gimli is a lot more shy when it comes to us, we've not been able to sex the little one yet as he/she is too shy to get onto our hands or even come up and have a sniff! I did have some success today as he/she walked over and sat on my hand as I lay it flat on the floor of the cage, but I didn't want to upset the little fellow by trying to figure out it's sex. Though that is something I need to do very soon!

Anyway, onto some pics (:
Gizmo is the little girl with white/grey fur and big black eyes
Gimli is the little unknow cutie with beige/creamy fur and little red eyes

Hope you enjoyed the pictures (: they're still not amazing due to the bad light, Gizmo comes out during the day a lot more than Gimli does.

Anyone got any tips for me in regards to Gimli? Getting her to trust me more and helping he/she know they'll be fine on my hand?

Of course there's also the worry that if Gimli is a boy that Gizmo could end up pregnant, how do I know the difference between fighting, play fighting and sex? They've been having abit of a squeak and a roll around together but in general they seem fine together, I was just wondering if anyone knew?

Thanks a lot in advance (:

Hannah x

Last edited by Hanhanboban; 03-04-2014 at 05:32 PM. Reason: Wrong spelling
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