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Old 02-19-2014, 02:54 PM  
Strong Brew Hamstery
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Location: Ontario, Canada
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Default Mocha and Caramel

I have two Russian dwarfs, brothers from the same litter. My SO and I got them about five months ago, and they are the cutest, and most hilarious things ever! Very different and distinct personalities.

This is Mocha. He's the dominant of the two, and the most friendly hamster I've ever met. If I'm around the cage he's up on his hind paws wanting me to take him out and snuggle him. He'll happily climb onto my hand - then arm - then shoulder - to get all my attention. He LOVES to run and has, from what I can tell, laid claim to both of our "in tank" wheels. He sometimes runs so much and gets so hyper he just flops wherever he is.

This is Caramel. He's much more timid, and is referred to as our beached whale pancake hamster. He still likes to come and say hello, but he won't necessarily walk right out onto your hand. He's much more careful than Mocha, and won't run around quite the same way. He's smart though, and was the first ham to figure out how to use the bath and the potty. He loves running in the ball, and will often run in the ball while we watch TV.

We also have a third wheel for them both, which they both use. It's a mesh wheel with sandpaper around the outside for nail trimming. They only use it under supervision!

Here's Mocha going for a run! And both boys chilling in the wheel together.

They live in a 40gal terrarium and so far get along splendidly. We're hoping it stays that way, but we're prepared in case it doesn't. Mocha is the dominant hamster, but he's not aggressive towards Caramel. Caramel is just lazier, and always has been. They're cute as buttons together.

I have TONS of pictures of them of varying quality (if I can use my DSLR I do, but otherwise iPhone takes my photos!). Anyways, hello HC!
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