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Old 02-06-2014, 03:13 AM  
Senior Hamster
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Location: Utah, USA.
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Default Re: Need help with shy hamster :(


The hamster ball seemed to bring her out of her timid shell. Tonight was her second night in it. I placed her in her cage and she wanted to come back out of her cage. I placed my hand next to her and she just climbed on and up my arm. She didn't mind me holding her at all. I placed her back in her cage but she still wanted to come back out. So I gave her my had and she climbed on it again. I put her back in her ball and she is just rolling around the whole place.

I thing I'm coming to realize that she has been tame the whole time. She must have just been scared. But I guess that after a couple days of reading to her she got used to me. And after a day in the ball she got used to life outside the cage and realized there wasn't anything to be afraid of.

Anyways, thank you so much for all of the help and thank you for telling me not to take her back. I knew I fell in love with her at the shop for a reason. Thank you for not letting me give up on her. You guys are all the best.

I know there is a ten minute limit for the ball but what if she wants to be I there longer than that?
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