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Old 01-14-2014, 08:53 AM  
The Hamster's family
The happy hamily
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Default Expedit cage set up made from "0" !! We did it !

I've been wanting to make one for so long... but never seem to believe we could complete it ! But looks like we're on our way there ! I'll admit right away : I had my inspiration from you people on HC that already made one ! So I won't take other credit than to have shopped for what we needed to make it ! (Oh ! I WILL also take credit for using a drill for the first time... and feeling it this morning !!!)

What we did was to decide how big it would be and to get sheets of melamine big enough to build it. Our set up in shy of 1 meter long and will have 4 sections/cages in it plus a little section to store hammy stuff, near the ground.

We also used, for ventilation, masonite that already has a lot of holes in it. That way, there is a lot of ventilation in the cages !

I, myself, drilled bigger holes for the LED light plug to fit in (ref : The little credit I take from the project and how my shoulders and arms are reminding this this morning...) and I installed them on the top surfaces of each sections. This idea was taken from a very intelligent HC member who did just that in the one he/she made. Hats up, my dear !

Next step is to install the Plexiglass doors in the front so the Minis cannot escape ! The should be over by tomorrow... if we are in shape and have the windows ready tonight !!

(I'll post pictures)
The Hamster's family, home of the cutest hammies !

Last edited by The Hamster's family; 01-14-2014 at 09:01 AM.
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