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Old 12-27-2013, 07:20 AM  
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Default Re: Ummmm, not sure who's right??!

The words `try` and `it may work` are not worth risking your hamsters health with. Hamsters in pairs who know each other already are difficult enough to keep together never mind trios or groups who don`t. If you read many of the threads on here under titles like, "my hamsters are fighting" or "my new hamsters are not getting along" are just a few of the warnings. All it takes is ONE nasty bite and you could have an abscess on your hands. That means an ill hamster and a hefty vet bill to drain and treat it. Do you still want to try this?

I don`t mean to be forward, but the risks are high. Anyone wanting to house dwarf hamsters together should only do so if the animals are already together as adults or grew up together as babies (siblings). Introducing two adult pairs who are already dominant/subordinate and may also be different sizes could prove fatal. Even breeding pairs can turn on one another when breeders attempt this and breeders probably take more risks than most.

If your hamsters are already IN pairs, they don`t need to be in a foursome. Everyone knows that trios alone can be volatile so most people avoid keeping three together even as babies because they realise as they grow, trouble can and usually does flare.

And remember too that attacks usually happen when the owner isn`t there, so doing so would almost certainly be a disaster. I hope this is enough to convince you to keep your hamsters as they are. Happy and settled.
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