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Old 12-13-2013, 06:08 PM  
Hamsters on the Brain
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Vancouver Island, Canada
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Default How intelligent are hamsters?

I've heard that the average dog has the intelligence of a 2 year old child and the average cat that of a 6 month old baby, but where do hamsters fit? When I say intelligence, I don't just mean being able to solve problems, but where they are in their understanding of their place in the world. A baby for example does not have a sense of self and "other". They acquire that knowledge sometimes after a year of age. Do hammies have a sense of self?

Reason I ask is that every time I offer Bonnie a treat, she comes forward and reaches around the treat to sniff my hands before she accepts it. It's like she's checking to see who is bringing her food, maybe even thanking me for it. That's completely different from my cat who doesn't seem to understand that the food is coming from me in any direct sense. All she understands is that when I'm around and if she screams loudly enough sometimes food appears.

I know my cat doesn't exactly set the bar very high (she's the least intelligent cat I've ever known) but I really do think that Bonnie (and hammies in general) is at a higher developmental stage, maybe even close to that of a dog.
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