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Old 08-13-2008, 01:26 PM  
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Default Re: Sore Nose

There are several things that could cause this Anthony and something that springs to mind at this time of year is an insect bite or sting. Hamsters can react as we do to these. A cold could cause swollen nose but they are usually quite unwell and lethargic with this. There could be some sort of eye or tooth problem - blocked tear duct, eye infection, teeth misaligned or having an abcess or broken can irritate the top of the palate. A pierced pouch or a pouch abcess could also be a cause as can a tumour. There are lots of things to consider and I would take her to see the vet soon as she is obviously uncomforable. Try phoning to find out if anyone has special small animal experience. If not make some of these suggestions. She may be given an anti-inflammatory, antibiotics or some eye drops depending on the diagnosis. Vets vary in what they charge. Ours are very reasonable and charge only £9 for a consultation. We recently had some antibiotics £4 and eye cream £3. An op to remove a lump was quoted at £35. I know others charge a lot more so it is worth calling around. I hope she gets well soon.
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