Thread: Eric!
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Old 12-08-2013, 01:29 PM  
Hamster Overlord
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Default Re: Eric!

It must have all been a bit overwhelming for him. Two months of pretty much no human contact, and I'm assuming a horrid wee life before that, and suddenly he has a big scary human trying to play with him! He did very very well the first night, but two nights in a row was probably a bit much for him. Now I know, I won't make that mistake again, and we're now back to hand fed treats and chatting to him in his cage until he tells me he's ready to try again. When I got Chubs it really was just mild taming I had to do as he was used to humans and although he nipped, he was never scared of me and was always tolerant of being handled. With Eric, he's completely untame so I'm learning here too and I feel bad that he suffered because I thought he was ready when he wasn't! But I've learned from this, and learned a bit more about him and his needs. That was his way of saying 'wooooooow, slow down!!'

But, he's still my wee pal when there's mealworms involved

He's quite happy to run on his wheel infront of me now, which he was too scared to do the past week. He also had his first taste of fresh veg in at least two months today. I cut him a tiny tiny cube of red belle pepper and he loved it!

It makes me sick when I think that someone literally threw him out with the bins. I hope he feels safe now. He deserves to feel safe and happy. My poor shy guy

Last edited by Clairealex; 12-08-2013 at 02:58 PM.
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