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Old 08-04-2008, 11:04 AM  
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Default Re: Biscuit's Off to the Vets

Don't worry about the vets Kayzee as they wont want to put a hamster who is still bright and acting normally to sleep for sure. Can you check her all over to see where the blood is coming from. Check all her vents and for scratches or lumps. Also look at her teeth for broken bits or bitten tongue, edges of mouth for cuts when bar chewing. Broken or pulled nails and toes can bleed too. If you see a discharge from any of they vents it could be an infection in the bowel/bladder/uterus which will need attention. Possible an infected cut would also need antibiotics. Vets are often not very up on hamsters but if you can offer as many clues as possible it will help with a diagnosis. Is she drinking more? Has her tummy swollen? Have you fed any red foods like beetroot or strawberry that can stain the wee? Sometimes a pink biscuit getting wet can look like blood. Are there any hard lumps, broken teeth etc. Offer some ideas like urine infection etc.
I hope she gets on well tommorrow and there is a simple explanation for you concerns. Good luck Biscuit.
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