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Old 11-01-2013, 06:33 AM  
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Default Re: Food for hamster with lost teeth

Remember hamsters still have the back teeth - little molars so the can still chew up their food. They also still need fibre to keep the bowel healthy.
If it best to grind a normal mix up small in a food processor or mortar and pestle. They can then hoover up the small bits and chew at the back.
Some baby food is fine and also porridge and weetabix but they shouldn't fill up on those if possible. Soaking the normal mix in boiling water then allowing to cool is a good way for them to manage to eat that though it does need changed every day and don't let them store it as it goes mouldy so soak only a little. Veg chopped small is usually fine too.
I do hope Dobby manages to eat and recovers soon.
What happened to his teeth?
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