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Old 10-23-2013, 12:19 PM  
Trippins' And Jazz
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 1
Default Re: Clevedon Show - 9th November 2013

Ok, so, I am new to all of this. I am really interested in showing my awesome teddy bear hamster, Trippins', Is there any way I can get more information about it?
Like how much it costs, because I really don't understand the whole 5p and what not. Also, how often does the show come around? I am breeding teddy bears and would love to sell them but the I need to know exactly what I need for the parents, babies and everything else.
I understand that I need a box or something for them to be transported in, but what else do I need?

Also, I have a sunfire dj hamster, female, named Jazz. What would I need to do to try and show her? Please note, she has been injured before but she has gotten better and the stitches have fallen out.

Thank you,
Trippins' And Jazz
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