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Old 10-17-2013, 01:25 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 79
Default Re: a few questions im curious about?

Listen.....just chill.....*BREATHE IN.....BREATHE OUT....*

He is getting use to you, the surroundings and his cage. They usually sleeping from around early morning to mid evening so usually around 7/8 till around 8pm.

Alot of hamsters eat in their house because they feel safe and secure there, they hoard their food there and will eat it in there when they get up usually.

Their house is their little hub, they feel enclosed and secure, out of there of course they will feel a little nervous and might appear a bit skittish, thats why they always need voices and interaction in and out of the cage to bring their confidence up.

My first was terrible, I use to have the radio on all evening on a boring talk show so she would get use to noise etc.

Hams are like people, everyone is different, all the 'rules' or 'expectations' do vary from animal to animal. He sounds fine to me and I would just keep doing lots of 'little and often' bits with him when you can....the safer you make outside is house to be the more he will be adventurous
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