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Old 10-16-2013, 03:24 AM  
Senior Hamster
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Posts: 509
Default A thread for Victor :)

Since we've had our little man for nearly a year I figured I should get off my butt and give my big guy his own thread

Victor is a P@H rescue ham and another hybrid that caused trouble by fighting with his siblings the same as our other hybrid Holly did. I first saw Victor when I was out buying supplies for the others, we had a spare cage but me and my OH just sucked it up and left him even though we felt terrible leaving the little one behind.

We'd only been sat at home an hour when my OH just casually told me to get back in the car. We came home with our chunky man Victor Neither of us could get him out of our heads so we brought him home.

When we first had him he was completely unsociable and his bites were a thing to be reckoned with if he took a sudden dislike to something we were doing. After months of taking it slow and giving him an enriching cage he slowly began to learn how to play after the bare tank he was living in at the pet store and he began to trust us. After the year he's spent with us he now loves to sit in his bowl and eat while I give him a little hammie massage He loves coming out to play with us and I've never seen a ham so intent on treats as he is, he snatches and scoffs but we don't mind his occasional rudeness as long as our little man is happy

Will try to get some more photos tonight so everyone can see how handsome he is!
Proud hammie mummy to Syrians Loki and Thor, Dwarf Hybrids Holly and Victor and our little Chinese girl Sif. My little fluffballs mean the world to me
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