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Old 07-23-2008, 11:56 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 13
Default Ferplast Duna Fun Maxi review!

Hi guys!


So, about a month ago I got my two girls, Kane & Abel, on a whim. A new pets@home store had opened up in my area and they were just too cute!

The people in the shop seemed helpful and told me to go for a cage as big as I could afford and that was suitable for dwarfs.

Their largest was a Savic Rody… so I got that.

At this point I thought my girls were guys… which led to a male being adopted and having to split them up soon after :S

My housemate to the male and my Savic off me… So I was back in the market for a cage!

A few took my fancy… The Gabber, Duna Fun and bin cages.

The bin cage went out the window as I have no DIY skills and I wanted their home to be both escape proof and pretty.

I couldn’t find the Gabber anywhere.

So I opted for the Duna Fun. I ordered online and waited and waited and waited! After 4 days of waiting for the order to be dispatched I despaired and tried to find an alternative, because we really needed to separate these guys.

Off I went scouring my area for a big dwarf friendly cage and I hit the jackpot! Porton Pets & Aquatics had a new model in from Ferplast called the Duna Fun Maxi!

Money exchanged and a very cramped car trip back and my girls are in, so here’s my review!

The Duna Fun Maxi!

To start off with, this cage is BIG! It is almost 4 times the volume of a Savic Rody or mini Duna. It has a very deep plastic base which keeps the wood chippings off your floor and in the cage where they belong!

It has a wire mid riff just like the Duna Fun which has vents to attach a very simple (yet highly adored by the girls) tube system between the first level and the ground floor. The tube is big enough for two Robos to pass each other, so I’m guessing it would be an ok fit for a Syrian.

The bars are only 10 mm apart, so they are definitely close enough to stop any adult dwarf from getting through. As I have never had babies running around I don’t know if it would be suitable, however the wire section can be taken out to produce a fully plastic cage if needs be. It is worth noting that the first level sits on the top of the orange base, so any detritus on it can easily be kicked out by your hamsters, so this level needs to be kept quite clean.

The upper floor is large enough to fit at least two large houses. In this picture you can see the house that comes with the cage on the left and the food bowl provided is at the bottom which I use as a sand pit.

The first level is the same size as the top and is currently very empty. (Ideas on how to fill it please! ) You can see, the cage comes with a Sippy water bottle which can be placed on this level by using the supplied suction cups or the lower level by screwing it into the bars with the provided connector.

The lower level is big enough to fit two 6.5” silent spinners next to each other with ease. Incidentally, the wheel that comes with the cage is rubbish and doesn’t come with a stand so can only be connected to the bars on the first level. The silent spinners could be connected to the bars except that they need to go through the top gap and so you can’t twist the yellow bit to make it clasp the bars. (Can anyone think of a way around this?) The area underneath the first level is ideal as a burrowing place... at least my girls think so!

From above you can see how the two levels almost double the floor area of this massive cage. The levels are made of clear plastic so you can see your hammies wherever they are. Also note how the wire lid is held on, by plastic clasps. These provide a very secure grip but can also be disconnected very easily to remove the lid completely.

All of the plastic is well made, thick and solid. The clear pieces are very clear and the orange base is very pleasing to the eye in my opinion. The tubes are well ventilated and yet keep anything your hammies drop in there from falling out and on to your floor.

The wire section is also well built but when setting the cage up, it can be difficult to get the top level to sit correctly without the rigidity of the clear plastic section which keeps it in place. It gets easier with practice, but on the first go I would suggest getting a friend to help.

I love this cage because it gives my girls the space they deserve whilst also giving good access for our human hands. It is expensive at £80, but then again… you are getting the same volume as 4 mini Dunas, and you can’t really get them for less than £20 a pop.

Sorry to say, Kane & Abel did not wish to make an appearance as they ‘need their beauty sleep’!


Cost: £80
Dimensions: 72 x 54.5 x 41.5 cm
Build quality: Fantastic apart from the wheel and the issue with getting the top level to sit correctly.
Availability: Very new so very difficult to find at the moment.
Accessories: What you expect from a cage – Wheel, Water bottle, Food dish, House, Tubes. All usable apart from wheel.
Suitability: Very large for at least a pair of dwarfs. Also suitable for a Syrian.

PS: Any ideas on furnishings etc for the cage are highly welcome!
And of course any questions about the cage welcome.


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