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Old 09-27-2013, 04:58 AM  
Hamster Overlord
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Default Re: Getting rid of mice in the house

I have had mice in the house and it is a HUGE pain as they reproduce so quickly. We finally had to have an exterminator come in because I couldn't stand to use glue traps or put down poison and none of the traps I bought were doing anything. I was able to find the spot they were coming in and he put steel wool into several small spaces that seemed likely spots of entry. That was what finally seemed to work although he did have to put some bait boxes around the house under furniture, etc. I hated the idea of killing them but I was completely unwilling to share the house with them. They had gotten quite bold, darting out at odd times - which was really fun when we had visitors. My inlaws are middle eastern and already don't understand why we love our hamsters so much - they had half decided that I was inviting the mice inside!!
I never found any dead mice or nests and we removed the boxes after a few weeks and didn't see any signs after that.
I did find a mama mouse and her 5 babies in our shed and I relocated her into the woods near our house. They had chewed through a hammock, a tennis net and several sets of gardening gloves to make a nest. Anyway, it's a tough job and decision - good luck!
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