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Old 09-24-2013, 06:00 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 26
Default Re: Post o p care advice

Thank you for your replies. I have just ordered one of those microwavable heat pads for after the op. She is booked in for next Tuesday at 9am. My vet said these lumps tend to come back again quite quickly unfortunately. Don't think I have any option but to have the op though as she is getting her foot stuck in the loose skin and the lump is growing quite quickly! She's 18 months old now, so hopefully she will get through the op ok and have at least another 6 months good quality of life ahead. She's very fit and healthy apart from the lump. I hope so, she is very special to me, so gentle and comes when I call her. She lives in a 3' glass vivarium, so I don't have to worry about her climbing. I'll just take everything out, except the wheel, because it's a giant roly wheel and doesn't have any sharp edges or anything. She's used to having water from a dish anyway as being glass I can't hang a bottle. I use the Back 2 Nature recycled paper bedding, so I think that should be ok to carry on using. I'll just take most things out of the tank and put a nice soft pile of paper bedding in. I will be a nervous wreck next Tuesday!!
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