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Old 09-23-2013, 02:31 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: MA
Posts: 3
Default Re: Post o p care advice

Sorry to hear about your hamster's lump, I hope she recovers quickly!

My experience with post-op care in hams is pretty limited, as I've only ever had to go through it once (thankfully). But here's the advice I've gotten from vets, other ham owners, and my own experience.

Yes, your ham will most likely try to pull out the stitches. They don't like foreign objects stuck to them. Your vet will probably prescribe pain relievers. Mine had to be administered orally, once every 12 hours. If your ham doesn't like the taste and refuses to swallow, try mixing it with something they like -- a little bit of mashed fruit, plain low fat yogurt, or a teeny bit of baby food.

If she's currently housed with another ham, I'd suggest separating them. If possible, put her in an aquarium instead of a cage, so she's less likely to climb and hurt herself more. My vet recommended switching the bedding to TP or something dust-free and paper based to keep anything from getting into the wound. Also, make sure to change it frequently. Probably daily.

Remove sharp or potentially dangerous toys/accessories. The vet might suggest removing her wheel for a while. I think mine said a week. I wouldn't do it for too long, though. Running might make the wound reopen, but she'll do it on her own anyway if she has nothing to distract her from the pain.

Another thing to keep in mind... there's a good chance she'll be irritable or "bitey" while you care for her as she recovers. Especially if you have to administer medicine or dress/clean her wound. I'd suggest investing in a pair of soft leather or kevlar gloves to hold her to avoid bites.

Once again, I hope the surgery goes well and she has a speedy recovery! Best of luck to you and your Syrian<3
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