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Old 09-23-2013, 02:17 PM  
Vectis Hamstery
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Default Re: Post o p care advice

I've looked after hams post op, mostly spays but also a lump removal. Mine have mostly behaved with their stitches, though some vets use skin glue to prevent inquisitive hams being naughty!

I tend to put the ham in a hospital tank with no shelf, bars or wheel and nothing they can (theoretically) climb and injure themselves by falling off, especially as they can be a bit dopey or wobbly after the anaesthetic. I put them on soft substrate, like carefresh white/coloured or Fitch, and give them an open nest of bedding so they can be checked without being bothered too much. I make sure the food and water are in easy reach, and put a water bowl in as well as a bottle. If they are a little bouncy then I put the cage in a quiet room and part cover it with a towel to help them calm and rest. Vets often will give a bottle of metacam (painkiller form the same family as ibuprofen) and some antibiotics post op.

Even my 17 month old who was spayed was only down for the evening after the operation and was zooming about all over by the next evening! When they went back in their usual cage depends on how they are doing, but usually I wait until after the post op check with the vet.

I hope your little girl sails through her surgery
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