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Old 09-23-2013, 01:44 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 26
Default Post o p care advice

I'm taking my 18 month only Syrian girl to the vets tomorrow because she has developed a strange lump. It is mainly a mass of loose skin handing down from her chest between her front paws. Within the loose skin in an area that feels like a lump of jelly. It is soft and moveable and doesn't appear to be attached to her body, but free flowing within the loose skin! She is now getting her foot caught in the loose skin when she walks sometimes, so I think it will mean an operation to have it removed as it is clearly causing her a problem.

What I would like advice about is how is she likely to cope with an op and what should I expect post op regarding the wound and feeding etc. and also pain relief. Is she likely to try to pull her stitches out? Should I let her stay in her own tank or should I keep her in a smaller container with just a towel or something that I can change regularly to make sure her wound stays clean etc. Would really appreciate any advice/experience from anyone who had had quite a big op on a Syrian. Thank you
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