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Old 09-21-2013, 03:51 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Dirty South
Posts: 92
Default Welcome to the family, Simon!

As some of you may know from my previous posts, I brought Simon home a little over a week ago in an effort to tame him for a girlfriend of mine. I already have two Russian Dwarfs and Simon is A Syrian. After spending some time with him, I was able to get Simon to the point where he was used to being held and would tolerate a little loving on. I was ready to give him back and see if my girlfriend and her son would be able to continue the trends that I established and then begin to enjoy their hammy.
I called her earlier this week to see when she would be ready to come and get him; that's when she dropped the bomb on me: she didn't want him back. Now I was quite content with my two girls, they are neat, loving, and relatively quiet. Simon has shown himself to be a little smelly boy and I had to clean his cage out more often than I did for my girls. He hauls his litter and food into his wheel and proceeds to toilet there as well. I am not sure why he does that; I relocated him to a larger cage when I got him home as the cage she had him in was entirely too small. He has plenty of room to move around and do hamster things; but he insists on living in his wheel. Well, she told me that she had gotten used to him not being at home and realized that once he was gone, she really didn't have the time to take care of him like he required. She said that if I didn't want to keep him then she would put him on Craig's List and see if she could find another hoe for him. I had actually grown a little attached to the bugger and was able to learn his little nuances and the things that irritate him. He certainly has his own little personality that is much different than my two girls. However, I didn't like the idea of her giving him to someone who may learn that they can't deal with his little behaviors. The thought of someone else neglecting him and not giving him the love that he needs really upset me, so I decided I would keep him.
I am not the owner or three hammies. They definitely take up a lot of y time; but I enjoy having them around. They are all so loving and can do some really funny things. I will have to get used to having this little stinky boy and adapt my hamster interactions accordingly. I am sure I will be coming to you all for some support and advice as this situation moves along. I have already learned so much about Syrians, which include that they do not particularly get along well with other hamsters. We had a little incident between him and the girls that definitely solidified this!
Welcome to the family, Simon! I look forward to our future together!
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