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Old 08-25-2013, 08:50 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Stafford, UK
Posts: 124
Default Re: Help, I'm stressing out he hates me!

Never pick up a new hamster. We still do not pick ours up directly out the bottom of his cage 2 months on, we only lift him gently from certain high up areas so we are never invading his territory/he knows he can hide for privacy.

Coax him into his ball, with treats or just leave it in there until he walks in, then let him run around for a while. When you open the ball to take him out allow him to sniff your hand/see if he wants to go on your hand. If he does not after say 30 seconds, then put the ball in his cage and let him walk out himself. That will ease the stress for him a lot.

Don't put him out the way completely. Hamsters should be somewhere that you walk past often but away from drafts really. Somewhere they can get used to your presence e.g. the corner of your bedroom/living room/office. So they get used to the sound of your footsteps/voice etc. I talk to my ham quite a lot and he seems to perk up when he hears me or my bf, he really does know when another voice is in the room as he acts totally differently!
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