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Old 07-24-2013, 03:58 AM  
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Default Re: Mealworms and how often to feed them?

I vary mine depending on the age of the hamster, I am more "german" in my feeding methods so my mix is about 15% protein for hams under 6 months they get an extra protein source daily, those 6-12 months every other day, 12-18 months 2x a week or so, older than maybe one mealworm now and again but usually veg as treats as at that age extra protein is potentially detrimental to their health (as observed in other rodent species). So in short my young hams get loads of mealies and the oldies almost none x

My other regular protein sources are chicken, egg, tofu, cat biscuits, dog biscuits and I have offered other bugs but they wont eat them.
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