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Old 06-21-2013, 09:05 AM  
Adult Hamster
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 272
Default Re: "cruel" pet shop

You have to keep trying until they remove the pets from the window display. I have made anonymous complaints with two pet shops in the US that mistreat their gerbils and hamsters. Then, I go in and check on them occasionally. Things got better. One of the shops stopped carrying gerbils and started to treat the hamsters better. Although I've had to point out obvious cases of wet tail to various pet stores for many, many years. Many pet store employees are not paid very well and see it as just a job. Budgies and rodents are among the most mistreated.

Also, if it's a chain pet store, send an email to their headquarters and be specific about the problem without going on about it too long. You can also write online reviews for most businesses these days and the owners almost always see those.
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