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Old 06-20-2013, 01:22 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 51
Unhappy "cruel" pet shop

When we went into this particular shop to get monty, he was in a tiny cage in the window, no protection from the sun and obviously little to no handling because he wasn't tame. We really felt like we were rescuing him more than anything. Unfortunately they've put another one in the window, who I think has been there for quite a while. Little guy had covered himself up with his tiny amount of bedding the best he could but I think it's terribly cruel there was also a budgie in a tiny cage next to the hamster with nothing to do, no shade etc.

My question is, first of all, how can people treat living creatures like this? I seriously almost cried at the sight of them. Secondly, I have contacted my local council on advice from the rspca and they have done absolutely nothing. What, if anything else can i do? I would rehome them all if i had the room and time, but that would encourage the pet shop to continue trading. These animals (even the ones inside) are obviously miserable so horrible
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