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Old 05-28-2013, 12:54 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 125
Default Convincing parents on getting a hamster?

Hi everyone

I have never had a hamster before, but I have two dogs that I walk very often, and three hermit crabs that I take care of properly (20 gal tank, 2 salt and fresh water pools, correct humidity/temp, etc.) and my mom has never had to take care of them. I wanted a hamster about a year ago but my mom said no way. I just completely gave up on the idea after that.

However, I have still wanted a hamster. So recently I wrote a 1 page e-mail to my mom about owning a hamster and why I should have one and how I would pay for it and take care of it. She said no and I politely asked why and she said it's because she doesn't want any more pets. So I simply said "ok" and dropped the subject. I've been cleaning my room and keeping it clean, cleaning the bathrooms, taking care of the animals, etc. I make a Prezi presentation on owning a hamster that is very detailed. It has how much it costs and that I would pay for it.

I'm considering showing her this presentation at the end of the week (by then it'll have been a week and a half since I asked her last about the hamster) and asking her again. I'm nervous that she'll still say no...

Any tips/ideas?

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