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Old 05-01-2013, 01:02 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Posts: 67
Default Re: Introducing my robos!

Jupiter is my weird sleeper. For some reason he just loves sleeping on his back. He doesn't do it as much as he has gotten older, but every once in a while I'll see him sleeping like that. It's pretty bad that I have more pictures of my robos sleeping than I do awake. I just love how they sleep, and that they look like their cheeks are 10x bigger than the rest of their body. I've grown so fond of them, that I want more. But it's not realistic when I am a college student, and constantly have so many things to do. I just feel so gifted to have these two. (I don't think I could ever breed robos, I would just want to keep them all.)

<3 Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto, My little Gods (and goddess). R.I.P Jupiter<3
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