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Old 06-10-2008, 03:15 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Oxford
Posts: 233
Default Re: Community improvements? Membership? A discussion

Gus - yeah sorry I posted as you all were posting (slow typer!!) - edited it now!!!!!

As I have said on another post however, I do think that sometimes people get upset about things that if said in person they would not be upset by, as you would be able to tell from tone/body language etc, that they weren't being aggressive (Obviously a number of times this is not the case but often it is)

For example - the other day I posted that a cage link was to a different cage than the converstion was about - that could be taken in soooo many ways - in an aggressive way - that the person was stupid to think it was the same; that I knew better, that I was criticising and so on BUT what I actually meant was that I can't tell the difference between all those Gabbers and Dunas etc from the pictures, and that I didn't want them to be disappointed when they got it (as I'd that very day bought a Duna thinking it was a LUx).
And as I was posting quickly, it was only when I read it back I realised it could be read in either way but if I'd been talking to them, it would have come across much better.

So I think sometimes people need to let things go as it is just a tact issue.

If it goes beyond that, then I think maybe the warn system comes into play. But as you say, I would also prefer it to only be used in quite severe cases NOT in normal disagreements.
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