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Old 06-10-2008, 03:14 PM  
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Default Re: Community improvements? Membership? A discussion

Originally Posted by Matty Day
Gusto0 if I am correct your using the psychological principle of deviation from social norms? this is dangerous in my opinion as sometimes society can be wrong extreme take the nazis for example. And also societies norms change over time
Ha, well I was thinking more Max Weber than Adolf Hitler!

A norm, in it's strictest sense, is a rule that is socially enforced - which is a common theme in human behaviour; and, within that, I was thinking of mores - moral judgements defining what is right and wrong, or what is wanted or not-wanted, within a given society.

I was using this as a mechanism by which we could gauge the desired behaviour, and frame our discussion for what mechanisms might reinforce that behaviour. Nothing else.

Societies do change, of course; and norms move with them. Societies can be wrong; but I'm afraid you're wandering, a little. Was it society, or was it Hitler which drove German culture in that period? A debate for another time, I feel

I threw in the suggestion of job design/people specification, which is a management concept, as a brainstorming idea - in the workplace such would be used to identify best-fit between candidates and organisational values, to ensure new employees are able to join the workplace with minimum disruption. It's not full psychological profiling, or any of the such, but a quick tool for making sure people fit the area they are joining; and wondered aloud if use could made of some of it to ensure new members match the community.

Pure food for thought, that one

I'm aware we're digressing a little.
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