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Old 03-20-2013, 02:22 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Borehamwood Hertfordshire
Posts: 18
Default Re: Introducing a 3 weeks old male to a 7 weeks old female

I'm sorry but a 3 wk old pup should not even be away from mum yet let alone being introduced to a 7wk old breeding partner, baby hamsters are not fully weened at 3 wks and a 7wk old is FAR to young to have a litter, hamsters are fully mature at around 4 months and this is the PERFECT time to mate them any younger and you risk producing weak/small babies let alone the damage your female will suffer, having a litter takes a lot out of a female and she needs to be in tip top health and big enough to cope with the babies. Please keep the male with mum for at least another week and don't put him with your young female until they are much older and you have researched breeding to a full extent it is NOT something to be taken lightly.
On another note where did you sauce your "Campbell's" from if it was a pet. Shop then they are most likely hybrids, and I wouldn't recommend breeding them EVER as hybrids can suffer a range of health problems such as diabetes, neurological problems, head tilt and fitting, the only way you can be sure they are not hybrid is if you purchased from a reputable breeder and I can assure you a reputable breeder would NOT let a 3wk old pup go to a new home 5/6 wks is the earliest.
Tuftyfluff Hamsters
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