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Old 02-27-2013, 05:57 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 124
Default Re: Help, I don't know what to do.

Guy, I'm gonna leave the site. I'm fed up of being told the cage is too small. It's 72 by 45 at the widest point if I put the substrate up to the top of the base. This is her 4th cage and I bought it 1 week ago. i have bought item after item after item. as in, probably 30 plus items. The national hamster website that I first went on says 30 by 30 as a minimum cage size (which I think is too small but anyway). its not like im keeping her in a mini duna. its a zoozone. it is 72 by 45.

also, whenever i let her out, she goes straight to the corners of the room and starts digging them up. on that premise a room of 2.5 metres squared is too small for her.

I feel like everythin I buy is wrong! Like I bought the flying saucer bc I'd read it was better than wheels. She has had 3 wheels (I think). Now people are saying to get that out of the cage. It was the only thing that she didn't tip and bang on the side of the cage.

I know you're all tryign to help but this has become more hassle than its worth. maybe i shouldnt have come online as sometimes ignorance is bliss.

i spent the previous 2 summers in hospital cos of a health condition and this yr is the first yr its been under control since then. i dont want to be worrying about all this when i feel i have my freedom for the first time.

like i said, i know you were all trying to help. there is no malice in the above of what ive said, just frustration.
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