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Old 02-13-2013, 02:49 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 124
Default Re: Help, I don't know what to do.

Thank you kyrilliondaemon for your reply.
I tried the Pets at Home small wood shavings. OMG. They were really, really irritating to my eyes. It stinks. To anyone who wondered how this turned out or who needs any information on substrate, this is what I did that helped me:

I threw away all wood shavings. I then hoovered all the rooms in my flat, opened the windows and damn clothed the surfaces with cold water.

I went and bought Carefresh Natural. This says on the packet that it's dust free and no aromatic oils. It's about 6 hours later and my eyes feel better already. I don't know what it was about it but the sawdust/wood shavings caused SEVERE irritation to my eyes (as in, it wasn't a mild bit of irritation). My eyes still hurt a bit because I was crying last night and today cos I thought I'd have to give her away. I even phoned the RSPCA but the one near me doesn't accept small animals.

I think I solved the substrate/allergy issue.

As for the noise, I bought a "super silent spinning saucer" - flying saucer which she seems to love. I threw the wheel away.

I bought a cube with holes in it and a small new water bottle and put it in that so the whole thing is inside the cage. This way she can't pull on it and bang the side of the cage. I also gave her a toilet roll and some new nest material. I also gave her a green leaf, a raisin and some butternut squash. I'm a bit scared cos I read someone found larvae in hamster food which I'm phobic of but I hope there's none in mine (my mum is coming tomorrow and I'm going to get her to check. It's called deluxe hamster food 750g. It's in the food cupboard (I'm really limited on space) so I hope it's OK.

I'm pretty confident that the allergy/eye irritation thing has gone and I really hope tonight the noise will go too. If not, I spoke to my mum and she had contacted the breeder and they said (because she had signed some document when she got Hammy) that my mum can return Hammy and they will quaranteene her and then re-home her.

I can't believe how upset I've gotten over all of this. I just want to do everything right. I also think the lack of sleep (I've had her for 7 weeks and pretty much each night apart from about 1 or 2 I've been up most of the night sometimes til 6am) has played a part in me feeling a bit horrible.
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