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Old 02-06-2013, 08:11 AM  
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Default Re: Mous missing fur around nose?

Hi September. I doubt a vet would know either as many don`t come across mouse patients and can be a bit useless when it comes to treating mice! If the skin is very red or Mous has been scratching at it, you could wipe the area gently using a cotton pad/ball and simple saline (one pint boiled cooled water to one teapoon of salt) and allow the salt to melt. This is gentle and won`t sting or irritate.

Is he scratching around his face and neck area at all? Do you see any small scabs or cuts anywhere else on him? If he is, then I would look for a `safe` over the counter spot-on mite treatment, but your in the US so I can`t advise on what`s available over there for treating suspected mites.

I will say though if you do ever treat a mouse for mites, don`t use any spot-on`s for larger animals like rabbits or guinea pigs as they are too strong.

He`s possibly just allergic to something but if he`s fine otherwise, I wouldn`t worry too much. His behaviour will tell you if he`s scratching too much.
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