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Old 05-30-2008, 09:16 AM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Swindon
Posts: 1,423


Lets begin with problem no. 1: She looks a perfectly healthy size/weight to me and as you say, her weight can't be compared to that of show hamster's. I have 2 pet shop hamsters, they are both quite small boys; one ways 129g and the other weighs 122g - so Noodles is a fine weight.

Now for problem no. 2: I guess it depends on how big the bowl is really! A lot of us on here do only feed every other day (BVH feeds every 3rd day) as this prevents them picking out the bits they want to and encourages them to eat all of it - but when I say every other day, I don't give a bowlful every other day I give a small amount. I wouldn't leave a large bowlful of food in permanently as this really does just give her the chance to eat whichever bits she wants, preventing her from getting a balanced diet. If you don't feel confident feeding every other day then I would definitely give her her food daily. Keep checking her store: if there is lots in it then reduce the amount you are feeding slightly and if she has no store at all then increase the amount you are giving slightly.
The baby rice and veggies shouldn't be much of a problem as a lot of us give the same as you have mentioned, but if she is getting a lot of shop bought or sweet treats then she may be preferring to eat these than the "boring" bits in her food, so maybe you could try reducing any of these you give her?

I hope that helps!
Thank you so much pophammy!
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