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Old 01-14-2013, 08:28 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 110
Default Re: Tools for Bin Cages

I do whatever with it lol once you start to play with it you'll get a feel for how it works

Tip: try to find one that has a number dial not a slider (mines a slider 1-10 uncle has the outher type where you can actually control the rpm on it I think)

I just used it to drill holes in a box we were fixing I also used it to pull plastic bits it cut the sides offa the boardwalk and the holes in the top of my bin even the zip tie holes --some I could have used outher tools for but outhers the dremel was actually simpler and more pratical --while at the store try to get a feel for it and how it works --I grew up with and had used one prior to getting mine so I knew the basics of them
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